
Wow. Sometimes the breaths that you try to take just can’t get deep enough.

Simon had to stay in hospital yesterday (don’t worry, nothing serious) so I’ve been by myself – which of course I am used to. But I got up at 4am to get started on the day yesterday getting the kids ready and lunches packed before dropping Him off in the city in time to be back at school in time – having a few things to achieve but ending up with a stage-five clingy baby instead. I love the cuddles and she was happy – I just had so much to do!

Then off to pick up the others, back home to cook a quick dinner and for them all to eat it as quick as can be (which is trying even at the best of times) and out the door again less than an hour after we came back in. Off to the city for violin – all roads had car crashes somehow, but we made it in time – onwards for a quick visit for the girls to see their dad – then home. I had very much planned to fall into a heap and crawl under the covers once the girls were inevitably asleep, and one, two, three of them went down a treat but by none the stage five clinger was still awake and wanting to be in my arms. After several attempts I gave up and went downstairs and tried to write on my essay.

Aria wanted to help though, so there wasn’t much use, and when she was finally asleep and I could also rest it was way past 10pm. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out…. until Melodies alarm started going off alerting me she was going urgently low. Back up I go to wake her and feed her and stay up for a while to see her levels go up, but I was woken up four or five times by the same alarm. Her body was having a rough night and so was I meant to apparently. I’m flying out to Sydney tomorrow morning which means another early morning for us – packinh bags and hopefully finishing off My assignment before I go to bed….

So now breakfast is served on a table outside to try catch My breath… no rest for the wicked😂



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